Campus Security Authority Crime Report Form

Call 911 if the crime is still in progress and/or if there is a continued threat to the victim or others.

Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) are federally mandated to report crimes and Clery Act incidents. CSAs do not investigate or determine if a crime is Clery reportable. ISU Police will use detailed information in the crime report to follow up and/or provide victim services. Please fill out the form to the best of your ability.

Who: CSA Contact Information

Name of CSA Contact

Was this crime reported to you by the victim, a witness, or a third party?*

Who: Reporting Party Information

Do not fill out this section if the reporting party wishes to remain anonymous.

Name of reporting party

Does the victim want to be contacted by law enforcement?

Please include any known relationship with the victim.


Indicate which crime(s) you believe occurred.



Hate crime

If you are aware of any relationship between victim and the accused perpetrator, please check which apply:


Location of incident

To the best of your knowledge, has this incident already been reported to the ISUPD, other law enforcement, or to another CSA?

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